Punk is back – for the right reason – finally! No more fake-Pepsi-filled-Target- shopping-wannabe-punk-songs! Your days are over! Thank God – and, by God, I mean whatever higher power you believe in. The list is too long and I don't want to get sidetracked.
Would Good Charlotte do what Pussy Riot did? Exactly; you're fired GC! You're no longer allowed to be called “punk.” Punk music is back in a big way, which is what we need. No more hypnotic-corporate-music money! Hallelujah, there’s music that will make me think again! Excellent! Thank you Pussy Riot! I am on your side. You made a statement and I salute you. I must say "Putin Will Teach You how to Love" is pretty kick-ass, and, their video makes it even better...BECAUSE IT'S REAL! It doesn't get more Punk than that.
And I can see Hollywood drooling over this project. How about a Martin Scorsese film? There's an idea. Leonardo DiCaprio can play Putin with Jonah Hill as Gorbachev. Yes we know Jonah is skinny again, but he can afford to put on some method acting weight, win an Oscar, then lose said vanity weight; and then, play an AIDS patient just in time to win another Oscar. See, the story writes itself! That alone is worth the price of admission, but knowing Hollywood, Pussy Riot will become an over saturated sellout machine."(Insert Band Name Here) will never sell out!" See what I mean?
Watch their video and decide if they are truly PUNK!